Shortlisted for The Arts Foundation Grant and Presentation at the ICA

I was really excited to be shortlisted for a generous grant from The Arts Foundation this month, that would allow me to spend next year working on my first graphic novel. Thanks to Ian Rakoff for nominating me and the judges Posy Simmonds, Pat Mills and Paul Gravett for shortlisting me! I gave a presentation at the Institute of Contemporary Arts the […]
My story mentioned by director Nicolas Roeg on BBC Radio 4
My Times graphic story got a shout-out from the brilliant director Nicolas Roeg (Don’t look Now, Walkabout etc.) on Radio 4 last week. I remember being terrified by ‘Don’t Look Now’ as a kid (although not sure if it was by the ending or the sex scene!). You can hear my (brief) mention here- 21 mins in.
Secret Garden Party Review

If you’ve not been to the Secret Garden Party festival you really should. I’ve been for the last 4 years. This year the lovely folk that run it were nice enough to give me a ticket in exchange for a comic review. Click here to see the results… or visit it on their website here. Ooh…and here […]
My Story Starts in The Times Today!

I am excited to announce my graphic stopry starts today in The Times newspaper’s Times2 section, page 6. The story is a 20 episode serial called ‘The Night I Lost My Love‘, with a new episode coming out in the Times2 supplement each Monday. So- what’s the story about? It’s a psychological thriller about a girl […]
A Big Thank You

Hey people, I’d just like to say thanks to everyone who wrote in on my departure from G2 this month. It’s been such a pleasure to see how many people, from such a wide range of backgrounds, related to the strips. As a thank you i have stuck in a one off, previously unpublished My Peculiar World strip. […]
Snap Happy

Fear not. I am not up on the first, hangover-less and enthusiastically tapping out my newest blog. These babies are post-dated. Either way. Happy 2009! I’m working all holiday on a couple of projects, so in the mean time here are some photos i’ve taken out and about. Hope you find some inspiration or ideas in them…or […]

Merry Christmas my little Christians. I am cursing the terrible day last week when i learnt to make gingerbread. Thought it would be cool to make a batch of gingerbread Karrie Christmas Cards. But then i got (erhum…) ‘karried’ away and made a gingerbread bride and groom for my cousin’s wedding and an entire family of […]
BugPowder Interview
Hi peeps, I was interviewed by the lovely Matt Badham for Uk Indi comic website Bugpowder. Lots on my working methods and loads of recommendations for other comiccy types to check out. Read the results here. And a PDF version here: bugpowder-interview1. Hope things are jinggling along merrily for ya’ll. Karrie x
More Scribbles

Howdy! Another ensemble of sketchiness for you…. Karrie x -There was an old lady who swallowed half a dozen small, fat men. – I love 1950’s Chinese advertising. Where Eastern traditionalism meets Western consumerism. My house is full of these posters. -I imagined these flamingos in a little animation. Their long necks would all twist and […]
Sketchy Sketches

Hello my jelly babies. I don’t just draw stories. Sometimes i also draw pictures. Sometimes those pictures turn into stories (or at least picture stories). Um…so…not sure what my original point was…but here are some bits and bobs i pulled out my sketchbook. Hope your week’s being kind to you! Karrie x -A wee sketch […]
In The London Paper

Hey there, I was in thelondonpaper last week in Em’s comic strip (written by the delightful Maria Smedstad). Yup. There is another British-based-female-autobiographical-comic-strip-writer-and-artist out there. Her stuff is witty and smart- a lot more text based than mine and nicely reflective of life in London for the 20 somethings. Check it out. When i first decided i […]
Cartoon Self

People oft tell me i don’t really look like how i draw myself in my cartoons. Nonsense say i! Why just the other week, while on the train returning from visiting my aunt, i was spotted by a girl with an old copy of my strip in that Friday’s Guardian. O.k, so that’s the first time that has ever happened, […]
Autobiographical Proof

Hello cherubs, People are always asking me how true my comics are, so a wee while ago i put up some proof that my My Peculiar World comic strips are indeed autobiographical. I’ve been collecting a few more so here are the latest… Fig 1: Yes. My parents did indeed give me a pop-up sex ed book; Fig 2: […]
Hello Kiddiwinkels, Remember Where’s Wally? Or Kit Williams with his picture books full of hidden animals? I loved those dudes and thus have been secretly ripping them off by hiding things in my MY Peculiar World strips. SO…if you’ve got some time that needs wasting and a keen eye, then see if you can spot the […]
In The Guardian
This week The Guardian’s G2 section is launching my autobiographical comic strip ‘My Peculiar World’ which will appear every Friday (in glorious Technicolour) on the back page. There’s also an interveiw and 4 more strips on pages 14-15 which are on the articles/press page. I am rather chuffed about this new job and hope ya’ll enjoy it […]
Back to School
Finished my ‘illustration workshop’ night classes at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design. Mighty good fun and got a lot of work out of it.